That Day Has Come
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That single breathed "no" stilled his worried heart. Though he almost still felt the need to cover those eyes. What had they ever done but turn people against him? First his mother and then everyone else who had ever looked upon them. All but the man that had saved his life. And her. The other person who had saved his life. Though she had done so much more than simply that. She had rescued his body from leaving this mortal realm, but she had also awakened his heart. That heart he had thought had been dead for so many years, she had breathed life into it again. Now that organ, full to bursting with love for her, would never be the same. She had changed him forever. To others that change might not be visible, but to the man it was like night and day. Now he could not imagine existing any other way.

Onus would never see her as tainted. As spoiled goods. To him she was perfect. As perfect as any imperfect creature could be, and imperfect creatures they all were. He accepted her wholly as he had never accepted another, not even himself. Nothing would change how he felt about her, especially not this. Never this. He still loved her. He still wanted her. And the coyote knew that he always would. Whatever she required of him, he would give. He would stand by her side and lend her his strength when she needed it. Even though he was faltering in that path now. The powers of his sorrow couldn't be held back any longer and they overran him. Flooding him in a sea of guilt and pain at what had happened to his beloved.

The man breathed in deeply as he felt her fingers move across his face, wiping away that tear that had fallen. Without thinking he leaned into her touch, needing it. Needing that tangible comfort as much as he needed to hear those words. You have not failed me. Onus wasn't sure if he could ever truly believe that he had not let her down, but he would try. He would try to let go of that and move forward. That is what they both needed. To move forward. To leave that night and morning behind them. They needed to let it all burn away as he had burned that room and that corpse of the man who had caused them so much anguish. Watery black pools opened slowly to look into her face. I'm still sorry, they said. My fault or not, I'm sorry.

As her strength gave out and her hand fell from his face he took it in his hand again. Staying on his knees, he moved forward, closer to the head of the bed. He gazed at the side of her face, her eyes closed tightly. He was afraid to touch her anymore than he already was. Afraid to bring back anymore memories of the horror she had endured. Would she ever feel comfortable letting him touch her again? Would she be able to let him show her how he loved her without be taken back to that horrible place. If the answer was no it still wouldn't change things. He would still be there for her and he would still love her. Delicately he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. "I love you," the words were barely more than a whisper. "And I always will."


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