His dream away from reality

I'm not sure if anyone else who made a post is going to make another round of replies, so with that being said, would you want to wrap this thread up in a couple more rounds? 300+

          The metallic smell that leaked in crimson rivers from the sliced pathways of the adult's throat, it was beginning to churn her stomach and make her nausea. Catalyst pressed her cold, small nose against the black and blue fur of the warrior to mask the smell. The crimson aroma was just as heavy in the air as it spilled from the life of the male, and it took all of Catalyst's courage to not revert her gaze to look down at the scene. She was so close, too close for her comfort. The warrior's embrace upon her was strong, unfaltering. It held confidence and a grasp that she wouldn't let go, and Catalyst cherished this embrace for as much as she could; pressing herself just as close, just as tight.

          The Adonis and her replies were short, to the point. Simple enough however to where it caused Catalyst to rethink her simple phrases, at first confused by such words. Warning, warning of what exactly? It was certainly obvious that the demon wolf at the borders came for a purpose, but Catalyst didn't see the relation in that eyeless trespasser and in Cwmfen. The relation was pretty evident, for her eyes were milky white with no pupils or irises, and his were depthless black, same composition. Catalyst missed that fact entirely, whether it was she couldn't reach such a connotation yet in her life cycle, or that she literally just had her fur scared halfway off her flesh.

          All she could do was pose a silent inquiry up to the warrior, bloodshot eyes telling words that couldn't be spoken at this time, mainly in point of what the warrior told her about the warning. It was then she called quietly to the male that was in similar hue as that of the deceased below them. Settling her ivory skull and cheek against the warrior's embrace of holding her head snug and close, Catalyst was simply held there in her grasp, her eyes looking onto the one called Sankor. Her breathing was finally ebbing down, her sobs drying up and away, but her mind? In utter turmoil, running at hundreds of miles per hour. There was a new fear coming arise within her, one that spoke of this warning that Cwmfen indicated. It made each and every fine hair follicle stand on end.


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