Look right through me..
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rncopy.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She’s in her optime form, OuO

The woman not long ago had crossed over the boarders of her packland. She walked swiftly and yet not hurriedly, purposefully but not imposingly. Her movements fluid and silent, she did not return to her den as she should have. Rest at the moment seemed irrelevant. The warrior did not want to wait. The encounter she had had with Svara had brought disturbing news to the Adonis of Dahlia de Mai. She had not sensed treachery within the girl, and she had known her well enough to be able to ascertain such a thing. The girl had regained her memory, remembering why and how things happened. They were different, in a way. It was not as if Haku had lied completely so much as he had neglected to regale her with the details.

But then, the warrior did not know what to think about it. The unrestrained nature of the Caledonian-Korean was able to tolerate what Haku did and what Haku had done. She had known what manner of wolf he was when she had accepted his body on her Long Nights. There had been a time, too, when she desired him with a little more than just mere intrigue, but he had not reciprocated such a want, and the warrior was not one to linger. It had not been long after that another dark souled creature had caught her intrigue. But now she had fallen in love, and it all seemed different now. But she had not changed as the Lilium had seemed to change. If only the Adonis could see the corruption that ate him away like the worms on the carcasses of a battlefield. But she did not. She knew only that her loyalty lie with Cercelee and with Dahlia de Mai, and that once her loyalty with Haku had been more than just the simple loyalty it was now.

She found him at his cabin, lying in plain sight. The woman paused, her silent, fluid movements made to cease. The white orbs watched the sleeping form. She did not move, did not walk over the place where she had stopped. The black female believed that she entered now a private place, and she did not wish to intrude regardless of the urgency she felt the situation commanded. She did not like to think that Haku would have lied to her, for such disrespect and lack of trust was not something that the Adonis would tolerate, regardless of his being her superior. She knew, however, how this would ultimately end. She was not here to change the path that Fate had put before them. She was here only to clear the path of debris.

"Haku," the soft melody called, breaking the silence of the calm night. The white orbs watched the eyes of the other, her gaze clear and her demeanor calm as she stood there. "Haku, something has been brought to my attention. I wish to speak with you about it." The woad tipped tail waved behind her once as she stood there without anger and with merely that question.


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