The Night Starts Here
yaay, Big Grin. 424 words.

It was his first day in his new come, and it was still crazy exciting to be here. Ares was a Basic Officer. He didn't really know what that meant, but it was still totally awesome. It was dark out now, but he wasn't tired yet. He had taken a long nap during the hot hours of the afternoon, exhausted from his long days of traveling and finally feeling secure enough to get a good rest. As a result, though, he felt energetic enough that he could stay up all night. And why not, if he wanted to! He had no Tokyo to chase him into the den when night fell, nipping at his heals. No Star to gently inform him they should be sleeping. He felt so alive, so free, so in control of his life. Ares was doing things that he wanted to do. By himself.

A large house appeared in his line of sight, and he meandered towards it. Why not explore? It was exciting, and everything he saw was his, at least in part, at least in the sense that for the most part he was welcome by his spot in the pack. Of course private dens and stuff he probably shouldn't enter, but he didn't really have that much of an interest in confining himself to an enclosed space anyway. The grass was damp, and it felt great against his sore paws. Ares was sort of proud at how worn they were. The initial puppy-pink hadn't lasted long, it had become travel-worn gray almost completely by the time Princess had abandoned him, let alone his long trek down south!

As much as Ares was a replica of his absent father in eyes and pattern of fur, he had in fact inherited his mother's silky and extra-long fur. Unlike his mother and sister, however, he didn't spend nearly as much time caring for it. Yeah, he kept it clean enough, but he didn't spend hours trying to make it lay flat against him, didn't whine or cry if it got a little mussed. Like it had earlier. He looked a tad bit ragged, but again, he didn't really care all that much. A girl - his age, maybe? Maybe older, he decided as he got closer and measured himself to her. She was awfully big. Maybe his initial impression was wrong, she must be a full grown adult. She was staring at the sky, and Ares decided he should say something. "Hi." He called out shyly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."


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