breathe in
Miriette was happy when the stick came titer-tattering down the other side of the branch and within reach. Smiling to herself as she removed the rope from the limb she began to tie a decent knot for her hammock to finally rest like it should. She tested the hammock, leaning back in it as she let her paws dangle in the grass as her silvery grey orbs glanced up to the other woman as she began to speak of where she resided. There was a lot she would have to learn about the world these wolves seemed to live in, it was so different than what she was use to.

The dark hued girl raised a brow as she questioned the lady. "Why would you live there?" she asked. She knew that often wolves had started to take to living in houses and building but she hardly could even understand why they wanted to live in dens and caves except when weather was bad. She knew that the hammock she nested in was made by the humans but she'd learned how to construct her own over time and believed that she probably could have made one by herself even if she hadn't discovered the human version first. She was that stubborn.

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