you already know what you are
The sound of another's voice caused her to flick her ears back as she twisted the cap back on the jar and dropped the rattlesnake in the sack before moving through the brush and appearing close at hand to where the stranger was standing. She raised her miniature form up from the grasses and glared at the male, he was not an Inferni member and she doubted that he was here on business, what business did a wolf have with the clan.

She wrapped her little fingers around the peashooter and let her ears perk up as she asked, "What do you want, Wolf.." her dislike for the creature clear as day as her little ribbon wrapped tail twitched back and forth as she waited for his answer. Give her the wrong one and he'd find himself with a dart in his rump, give her the right one.. and she might wait til he was leaving before she launched a dart in his ass. It depended on her mood, and right now she had things to be doing instead of talking to the worthless creature before her.

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