when our mouths are filled with fire

Holding a spear in each hand, Hemming pondered what it might be like to use both of them at the same time. In his case, with most of the force put into the spear from the motion of his body rather than the strength of his arm and shoulder, throwing both might end in complete failure. For now he wouldn't risk it, but it might be a viable method with a bit of practice. "I'm just going to use one of them," he said, "which would make it easier to make it go fast enough." He brought his eyes up from the spears towards the girl and added, "I guess it depends how strong you are and what technique you use." The male stuck the bottom of the spear with the stone tip in the ground so it stood straight up by itself and passed the sharpened one to his empty dominant hand.

He rested the spear on his hand horizontally, trying to find a balance point. It stayed flat when he held it about one third of the spear's length away from the tip, and he wrapped his hands around it. "So, as far as I know, you hold it where it balances, hold it up like this," he turned his body perpendicular to the girl's and held the spear so his hand was just behind his head, "turn a little bit sideways and twist your hips as you let it go. I don't think this method would work if you were to use two spears." Hemming feigned throwing it, twisting his hips back and forth as he repeated the motion.


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