running with scissors
While it did sound like a lie, she had no reason to believe that he would lie. Corona could not recall a time when Ahren had ever lied to her about anything, and therefore saw no reason for him to start. It was probable, should they both start to lie, the other would figure the other out. “I know,” was her simple answer to the fact that nothing would change. She had assumed that a long time ago that what had been both mother and father was long gone. As unfortunate in her favour as it were, Corona had eventually come to accept that. She didn't just suggest it for her, but rather as if it would make a difference to what few siblings still hung around the coast. She reckoned Gabriel was the only one left there. All of the others had scattered to some flimsy end somewhere.

Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever see them again, but yet a small part of her had been taught not to care. The world was a feverish place of change. So there wasn't a whole lot that any of them could do about it. Some ties were meant to be broken and dissolve away like ash in the wind. “Do you really think I would expect things to change that way?” She couldn't help but be curious, wondering if that was what he really suspecting her of trying to do. Change could not be forced where it wasn't wanted and he had made it startling clear years ago to her that it was futile. But she would have loved to have been able to have been more of an influence on change, however pointless and childish it would be now.

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