it was the sound of a crescendo [p]
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Her ears perked up at the Acer’s comment. She had a sister? Then she must understand why Princess had to find Buttface, even though she wasn’t supposed to! Half-heartedly, she wondered if Alexey was close to her sister, just as she had been close to Buttface, before they had been separated by their mother, inadvertently. Catalyst had not known Ril’o personally, but she had been upset over his death, as well. “Was Ril’o nice? He must have been, if everyone misses me,” she added. It seemed like she should take his death as a warning, but she just. . . Couldn’t. Princess did not want to be kept in the pack lands forever, unable to roam whenever she pleased. That wasn’t why she had joined the pack. She simply couldn’t, absolutely couldn’t, live like a prisoner. But maybe she should stay in the pack lands, just for a little bit longer, until it wouldn’t make Alexey angry if she wandered off for a bit.

She yelped in surprise as Alexey nudged her and threatened her gently. Grinning, Princess shook her head. It was doubtful that Tokyo would actually care much if Princess wandered around, in her mind. Tokyo hadn’t cared about her for so long that it was strange to be back in her mother’s life and to be cared about again. “I guess I should be getting back. I don’t want her to worry,” she added, clarifying that she wasn’t going back to please Alexey, she was going back because she wanted to. “Well. . . My mom says we’re better off without him. I’m not supposed to talk about him. . . But, I really miss him, secretly.” Looking away from the woman, Princess fought against the welling emotion. She truly did miss him, and it pained her to be forbidden to talk about him. “Please, don’t tell my mom I was looking for him, or even that I said something. You can tell her I was here, just. . . Please don’t tell her why,” she mumbled quietly, hoping Alexey would just leave it at that for now.


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