I remember yesterday
DaVinci couldn't help but chuckle at his son's words as he shook his head, "It's not protecting Jefferson I'm worried about, it's the rest of the pack." He gave the boy a wink as he grinned back at him, knowing that Jefferson's tongue could deliver a lashing that would leave one cringing if he wanted to. How some of their members were still alive it amazed him at times. How he was alive, that was the strangest part, but the two males were always so laid back around each other it just seemed that it didn't matter, maybe DaVinci was immune to Jefferson's ways. He wasn't for certain but he could almost believe it.

Explaining to Ty that things hadn't been so well DaVinci couldn't help but shake his head when his son asked for some way of assisting in helping the pack. DaVinci didn't know that there was anything that anyone could do to assist them in their problems now, it was basically a touch and go subject now and they were just sitting and waiting for the reaction of the enemy. One enemy that DaVinci was head over heels for. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, "It's all just been outside forces, things we couldn't change.." He tugged on one lock of hair as he frowned. "All there is is to keep our hopes up and stay strong.." He knew that his son could do that, even if DaVinci himself couldn't.

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