i will battle for the sun.

Hai! (500+)

The dark girl was young, not yet an adult to be true, but it did not mean that she did not find a purpose in life to be a necessity. The more the girl thought about this, the more she loathed her past. Not because of what it had made her become, but because of her fabricated beliefs. Their world had been all about the magnificent family she came from, that she was a part of despite the fact that the wolf was strong in her. Together with age came clearness, and she could not look away from the fact that her father had forged one giant lie that had dominated her life from the moment he had taken her from and turned her against her mother. She had given off the impression that she had taken the news from her uncle with ease, but things were not that simple. She wished things could be black and white, so it would be easier to gain a proper perspective of things, but the real world was not very easy to be involved with.

She wondered if her brothers felt as confused and betrayed as she did. Did Jael really want to be here? Halo too had been rather horrible to him in the past merely because the way his appearance turned out. He looked like their mother. He looked like a wolf. Despite this, he had the same genes as the rest. He had just been less lucky. This reminded her of that judging individuals merely because of their appearance and race could actually be a very wrong thing to do. This realization was more an annoyance than anything else. She did not want to consider these things. She wanted to live the dream her father had told her about. There was just one problem; that it had seemingly been all a lie. Gabriel did not even seem to care. He had not seen the doggish leader after she had been granted a spot in the clan. Maybe she had just expected too much.

Ruby eyes watched the clouds attempting to imitate her eyes’ brilliant colour from her spot in the window. Things were so quiet here, nothing like what the young Lykoi had expected when she had come to Inferni, full of energy and the need to gain proper life experience the hard way. Eyes sharpened as she saw a figure moving down on the ground. From the short glimpse, it seemed to be another Inferni member that she had yet to meet. The girl moved from the window quickly, awaiting the sound of the front door opening as she casually yet very elegantly walked down the stairs. Nothing happened, and when the girl had her two legs firmly placed on the ground floor and the short time went by with no sound, she felt disappointment take over. Had this only been an illusion?

She was about to go and open the front door herself when she hear the sound of a door handle being jiggled. The girl turned around and hurried over to the sound that had been picked up by her oversized ears, but it was again quiet in the large house. She did not know the property well, but she knew the other doorways were. The youth turned the lock around from the inside and heard it click gently. She slowly pushed the handle down and pushed the door ajar, poking a head out to see if there still was someone here. There was. ”Hey there,” the young girl sang out friendly, although there was some detectable uncertainty mixed in there. Why hadn’t the stranger used the front door?


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