That Day Has Come
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It was good to feel her against him again, though the weakness he felt from her body still made him afraid. He sat there silently, support her body with his own, letting her recover from that unexpected use of energy. No doubt it had drained her substantially. Something like that could drain someone even in a good condition. His thumb continued to rub her shoulder and softly he brought his nose down to rest against the top of her head. He wanted her to know that he was there for her completely. That she even thought she could be a burden to him was ridiculous. Onus would never see her as such. She would do the same for him, he knew. He took care of her because he wanted to and he needed to. That's what you did for the person you love.

Deeply he breathed in her scent, no longer as heavily laden with blood and the rubbing alcohol. The toxic smell of the dead man still clung to her, but her scent was easily discernible from his'. For her's was sweet to his nose where the other smelled rotten. To him her scent was only associated with good things. With comfort and love. And yet he sensed something different in that smell. Nothing startling, just something subtle. But what that subtle change was or could mean was eluding his mind and he was quickly distracted from it by her answer to his question.

It hadn't even struck the man that drugs were a foreign concept to her, but of course they were. Drugs were the leftovers from the degenerates of human society. While found easily in the populations of city dwelling luperci, here they would not be so easily found. "Chemical cocktails the humans left behind. They're mind altering and can make you sick. I don't think that's the reason though." No, it was highly unlikely. While weak, her behavior had shown no signs of intoxication. Onus also doubted that Corvus would have used such a method unless he had found it necessary. The demon liked to overpower others with his strength and darkness alone. Using some sort of outside method would have surely seemed below him to that twisted mind.

As she shifted, pushing more into him and readjusting her position a warmth began to fill a cold void that had taken up his chest. With her fingers running through the fur on his side he was also reminded of another day. A better day. A day he cherished and knew he always would. His arm moved to rest upon her back, helping her to hold herself comfortably. She wasn't afraid of being close to him and that was a greater comfort than he could begin to explain. He listened to her jerky speech and thought that his heart might burst. The man was silent for a few moments after she stopped, regaining her breath. "You didn't need to make that sacrifice..." he said softly. But had she? If she hadn't, would he have been able to defeat Corvus? Would he have been filled with that same fury induced by the suffering of his love? It was his relentlessness and his disregard for his own well being that had allowed him to overcome the other. Still, he wished there had been some other way. "I felt the same. When I was fighting him. I didn't matter. What happened to me didn't matter. All that mattered was ending his life and saving you." If he had died after Corvus had been killed and he had been able to tend to her, it would have been a good death. But he did not want to die, because he had her.

Then the man was silent once more. Holding her, feeling her warmth against him. Knowing that she did not think that he had failed her. She was right. He wanted her to be right. That it was going to be okay. That it was all going to be alright. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent once again and noting that subtle difference. What was that? It was if...her hormones were stronger. "Cwmfen, your scent, it's different somehow," he said somewhat puzzled. "Your hormones are more noticeable. Stronger or something."


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