That Day Has Come
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The humans had left these ‘drugs’ behind. The woman didn’t understand why they would need a substance to change the mind and make one sick, but she supposed that that was why the species had died out. She did not think that the crow wolf had used something like that on her, and Onus didn’t think so either. A quiet sigh escaped her, though the reason behind it was ambiguous. Whether it was sad or frustrated or angry or simply a way to expel air was uncertain.

He held her back, and she relaxed in his hold. Her body wanted more of it, that touch so gentle and warm, that touch so unlike the brutality of the prior night. She listened to his voice first and then to his words, that gruff song that she loved so much. Her eyes were half-lidded as she listened, and her weakened heart seemed to grow stronger. Perhaps she did not have to make that sacrifice, but she had chosen to. Where she had faced her fear and conquered it, she would fail to destroy him. And where she failed, Onus had succeeded. And, regardless of the calamity that brought them to that day, the two lovers were together once more. But that was over now. Cwmfen held his body tightly to her, although her strength was inconsequential. "And you saved me," the woman whispered as she pressed her nose against his chest.

Slowly she looked up at him. She wondered in what way her scent was different. The woman had not returned to Onus since the night several weeks ago, although she had sought him often. She had felt that, so as long as her father remained alive, she could not go to her lover. And she had returned home less frequently. For a moment, the woman remembered what Anu had said as she rejected her at the boarders. The woad marked female trusted that he would know. For a moment the woman was still and silent. Hormones. Her gaze fell as if she searched for the reason. It was something that she hadn’t wanted to consider, but it had lingered in the back of her mind. Her free hand slid to her stomach. Her touch was light, but it was as if she could sense something there.

"I’m pregnant," the quiet melody said as if she did not believe it. But her mind told her that it was true. Her body new that it was true. She had been feeling different. Her body felt different. She would truly be useless now, unable to that which she was born to do: fight. The black fae pulled herself from him, rolling over onto her side. How could she look at him now? How could she expect him to look at her? The thing inside her was not hers or his but her fathers. But there was no sadness or anger within her, only a hollowness. Her body, harboring that black seed, betrayed Onus. The woad bound ears swiveled back on her head as she closed her eyes. It would be her price to pay for her failure to her pack, and to Onus, and to herself.


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