That Day Has Come
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Now he was confident. Confident that they could move past this night and go one with their lives. Corvus Vendetta wouldn't haunt either of them any longer. That man was dead and burned. Gone. Gone with all of his evil and all of his darkness. He felt that light that existed between the two of them growing stronger again with each moment they held one another. His other hand went to rub the back of her head and her ears, careful to avoid that wound upon her neck. This was all he wanted. Onus could feel the slight pressure of her holding herself closer to him and he aided her in that effort. For the first time since they had parted ways that last time a small, nearly invisible smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "You mean the world to me Cwmfen," he stated with a quiet confidence. Without her, living in this world would not be worth it anymore. Not for him. The back of his fingers brushed her cheek in a loving gesture.

The ways of a woman's body, until recently, had been a mystery to him. And even while he better understood it now, there were still many things that he did not know. Like why suddenly the scent of her feminine hormones would be so strong. If he had interacted with others more he might have known the reason. Might have been able to piece two and two together. But that was not the case. Until he had found her and his feelings for her his live had been lived in near complete solitude. His focus only on the cause of Justice and what was necessary of him to fulfill that cause. Combat was all he knew, and where the most vital places of the body lay. The coyote was wholly ignorant to what was occurring within her female body. He had no idea what these signs and symptoms were and meant.

But quickly that mystery was answered for him and he felt that warmth leave his face and chest. Pregnant? Could it be? Could it happen that quickly? His eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open. No. That couldn't be it. It just couldn't. But he knew it was possible and he knew she had to be right. With how many times Corvus must have used her the odds of her avoiding that were astronomical. A new sadness settled over him like a cloak, and only increased as she pulled away from him and turned her back. All his hopes of leaving this all behind them had just been shattered like so much glass. Now there would always be a reminder. A living, breathing, permanent reminder of all she had suffered. Of that shadow that had been cast over them these past moons.

Onus was not angry though. He was not hurt and he did not feel betrayed. This was not her fault. How could she be expected to have avoided this? All he worried about was her, and her well being. Her state of mind. He didn't know if she wanted him there anymore, so the hand that reached out for her was hesitant as is laid itself upon her side. "Cwmfen," that rough yet somehow soft voice called. "I don't care. This is not your fault." The male swallowed, attempting to move closer to her again, but not wanting to smother her. "When you asked me to stay with you and I said I wouldn't leave you. I meant it. And I meant it forever. Nothing can change how I feel for you, this included." Those dark eyes looked down at her, hoping she would know all he said came from his heart. "Whatever happens, I want to be by your side. As long as you want me there." This would be difficult for both of them. A blow they hadn't expected. But he would not leave her.


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