I am as sweet as candy

OoC: sorry for the shortness and the lateness! ;_;

Garnet eyes gleamed with amusement as a petulant frown formed on her muzzle, a slight crinkle of disgust completing the playful disapproval. "Not wine, then?" he murmured, meeting her intense gaze with a rueful smile. He was more of a rum man himself, but strong liquor was not lady-like. Apparently she would abstain completely. Did it bother her to realize that he was drunk already? Surely she had already noticed his slightly sluggish responses, his soured breath, although he could handle much more drink before he would begin to slur or stagger. This was just a pleasant distracting inebriation, a daytime drunk. Maybe she didn't mind because it gave her the upper hand. Or so she thought.

They entered the building moments later, and Jac let his eyes sweep the dim interior of the restaurant without much interest - a few old tables here and there, dusty cabinets that might be worth raiding later - and then let his gaze settle on what really held his attention. The spattering rain had dampened her shirt, and the girl trembled from the cold, mewling her disappointment. It couldn't have worked out better if he had planned the whole thing! He rumbled appreciatively deep in his chest, fingers flexing instinctively before he let her small hand go. His hand moved to her waist, cupping the velvety fur that had been revealed by her tantalizingly slow removal of the black raiment. "That's all right, isn't it?" he murmured, lips mere inches from her tall ears. They were close again, their pas de deux drawing nearer again, to the tune of the rain drumming on the roof above them, splashing on the pavement outside. If she did not reject his contact, he had won. The dance was his. "I promised I would shelter you. That includes keeping you warm..."




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