the writing in the sky

Looking to the branch she held onto Anu was certain that she had never been so high before. Her sudden fear of heights was bizarre and so far fetched that she could even question it in her frazzled state of mind. His words were like the fluttering of the nearest leaf, nothing but buzzing in her ears. She needed to get out of the tree, and there was no power other then her own that would get her down. Taking a moment Anu just let the clear air fill her lungs. She felt her eye close, loosing the sight of the very distant ground and searching for her center and balance.

Just as quickly as the fear had filled her, Anu concurred it and began her dissent. Each branch led to another, and the ground grew closer and closer. No longer an entirely different world below or a dream Anu wished for, it was as solid and present as she needed it to be. Claws dug deeper then she liked, but the comfort of the living tower was not her priority. Foot-paws felt the soft grass, and Anu could finally put a smile on her face. Looking at the male, she felt embarrassed after having such a troubled time. She shook it form her limbs, Will it fly again? Her voice was light and hid the adrenaline that was leaving her body.

this was made by James, <333

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