I remember yesterday
"You mean the pack fears him now? funny how they'd fear someone with only one good arm to beat them with." Ty joked wholeheartedly. He enjoyed his old mentor, but enjoyed poking fun at him more. Of course, if Jefferson heard him, he'd either chew him out or try to beat the crap out of him, but Ty wasn't so easily pushed aside by the older male, as he was friends with him. When he was younger he was intimidated by the older wolf, scars and such were such a thing to be frightened of. Now as a young adult, he was more comfortable around people, and much more around scars, he even had his own to show nowadays.

Hearing his father say it was only outside forces, Ty frowned, he didn't like the feeling of helplessness. He wanted his dad to be proud of him, to see him as an asset to the pack, he'd been learning how to help the pack even though he wasn't the best hunter. he was a much better runner and defender, but not a hunter. He was hoping somehow, someway, he could show his dad that he had become a good man. But to be told there wasn't anything he could do but hope ad stay strong, inside he kind of felt helpless. However, that doesn't mean he wouldn't stop trying. "If that's all I can do, then that's what I'll do dad!" Ty replied confidently and with a big grin as he hoisted his head up proudly and placed his hands on his hips. "I'll try to keep others strong as well."

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