We lay and wait
OOC: Sounds good, lets begin.

Rendall ran down the path towards the grassy meadow, Pendzez had been given to her as a mentor by Jefferson. though she had never met the elderly patriarch, she was still going to listen to his orders, perhaps she'll run into him soon enough, back to the subject, Pendzez was like a big brother and a noble to her, so in a way she felt honored to be his apprenctice

She reached the grassy patch that she was suppose to find the white noble at. Sure enough she spotted his white fur and the little patch of butterflies that fallowed him from time to time. She walked stepped out into the noontime sun towards the male, his gaze seemed to be elsewhere, she looked down at the ground that occupied his crimson eyes, a hare was hopping around searching for food

She watched it curiously as she came closer, she looked back to Pendzez "Hey Pendzez, i'm here. Wacha gonna teach me today?" She happily looked over to where he was sitting

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