chaos becomes the child


A sack? The Lykoi hybrid hesitated before she nodded eagerly. It could very well work, if not the rodents woke up too soon and gnawed their way through it and escaped. Such a thing would annoy the youth. When the younger girl broke off to run to her den, Halo stopped and waited patiently, not overly interested in seeing the girl’s home. Such a thing would only distract her, and she would not want that. A grin found a home on her face. She was feeling rather good about this, and she was rather content with her first new Inferni acquaintance. It seemed there was more than enough room for a friendship to bloom. Zana had been very helpful from first moment. She liked helpful individuals.

Suddenly the bag was thrown in her direction, and she did not quite manage to catch it with her teeth in time, so it hit her face before it found the ground. The Lykoi youth huffed in annoyance, disappointed in her lack of satisfactory reflexes. She bowed down and picked up the sack in her jaws before she hurried after the girl with the odd tail. Perhaps it could have been an idea to shift into her optime form, but she did not really feel like it. Her jaws were strong enough to carry extra weight, and it would be easier to chase after the rodents if they actually did get out of the bag, or.. massed. What was that?

Halo had not really seen what the small rodents could do if they gathered and went into a counter attack. Halo had always hunted single critters and so on. The teenager’s thoughts died when they arrived at the prey graveyard. Her ruby eyes widened a little, taking in the rather spectacular sight. Oh, of course! This was amazing. There was more than enough bones to keep her hands full with her other hobby for the rest of her living days (or so the girl assumed). Halo was impressed. ”Whoa.,” the dark hued hybrid let out. Now for the more exciting part. The ruby eyed clan member let the sack drop to the earth. ”Search and destroy..” she mumbled under her breath.

The youth turned to look at Zana, which was looking at her back. ”You shoot, I retrieve.” She said brightly, tail wagging behind her. It would make her feel like a proper dog, but it would be effective. She did not need more than around ten, fourteenish.


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