like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin
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OOC: 300+

His scent drifted on the wind and the white female turned abruptly, looking for him. She squinted against the glaring sun and as her eyes adjusted to the light, she spotted him. There he was, Haven, standing tall and proud with a horse by his side. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, whether to run to him and slap him or hold him tight and make him promise to come home. There had never been such mixed feelings when it came to her brother, never in her life. But so much had changed since then. Meeting the Darkness, Gael, the taint that she felt was upon her now. Brooklyn felt confused and somewhat afraid. What would he say to her? Would he willingly return? She stood motionless for a second, the salty wind brushing strands of her hair into her face. He was there, that was all that mattered.

In a rush, she was running towards him before it occurred to her that she might startle the horse. The girl slowed down until it was a mere brisk walking speed. She smiled shyly at him, a smile that went around her lips and lit up her eyes. Haven. She spoke his name with a calm feeling inside her. She had changed so much, though perhaps it was not visible outward. Still, here he was, her brother, her wonderful brother, the only one who would understand her and the confusion she felt inside. I've been looking everywhere for you. I've missed you, Haven. Where have you been for so long? There was a subtle smell upon his pelt, one that was not Crimson Dreams any more, but lacked the nondescript quality of a loner smell. Was there a pack here? No, surely not. The girl felt somewhat uneasy now and looked around in alarm, her tail flicking from side to side. What if she had transgressed pack lands? What would they do to her? Would Haven chase her out? I've come to take you home. It was Brooklyn all over again, matter -of-fact and calm, collected and mature. Yes. Take him home.


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