looked up for validation, but i could not find it.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
    He noted the fact that Gabriel didn't answer his first question, but Jael hadn't honestly expected him to. It had been more of him thinking aloud, stating his own conclusion to the older hybrid. But his uncle did answer his second question, confirming the identity of at least part of their bloodline. "Kaena?" he asked, ensuring he had his facts straight about who was who on the family tree. Vitium had been a bizarre creature, and nothing said he couldn't have lied to his offspring about their relations as everything else, deluding their young minds as he had already attempted to.
    "So.." he began, glancing toward the doggish creature, "Could you maybe tell me what you do know about who I'm related to?.. I'd prefer to get further information than simply what Vitium provided." His distaste for his sire was apparent in the way the name crossed his tongue with vague disgust. A liar and a traitor, he had turned those he should have been closest to against him, and Jael couldn't quite forgive that anymore than he could forgive the horrible things he'd done to his mother.

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