A signal of trust
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She can shift and carry him? ^^ And you said four legs--he's unshifted, yes?

It was rare for the warrior to be standing on four legs, but here she was. Ember looked strikingly different when she was in her lupus form compared to her taller optime; her fur was fluffy and smooth, even in the summertime heat, giving her a slightly poofy ruff around her neck and a very furry tail. She was amost never seen in this form, and she hadn't been sure about shifting at first, but she'd rationalized it after a while of thinking the night before. Someday she could encounter a situation where she would need to shift down to this form. Maybe it would be to rescue a packmate, and she would have to get into some small, short area. She could go on her stomach in her optime form, yes, but it would be very hard to move around and maneuver that way. She would need to shift back into this form every once in a while to make sure that she still had the feel for it.

The wolfess had risen before dawn as usual, but today she didn't have plans to work with her sword or visit Utriu. It was like her body was on some kind of a clock, though; even though she knew that she didn't have anything planned, it had woken her up at the same time that she was always up and about in the morning.She had slept on four legs atop her pelt-covered mattress and jumped down from it, shaking her coat out of dust. It had been such a long time since she'd been like this. She felt very short.

She was still investigating the differences between the two forms when the call hit her ears. There was something eerie about it, that made her fur stand on end. It was Dawali, that much she was sure of...but it didn't sound right. And it had choked off at the end, like he hadn't been able to finish it. What could be wrong with him? On four legs the slender warrior was faster, and she came upon the scene before too much time had passed. As soon as his red fur came into view in the darkness she knew for certain that something wasn't right. He wouldn't be laying down in a normal situation...he would be standing up, greeting her with a smile. He wasn't in his optime form, which was also unusual. And there was an odd smell about him, a smell that made her stomach turn. She recognized it.

"Dawali." She said loudly, standing over him. Had he passed out? The light was getting a little better as minutes passed, and she was able to better see where he had been injured. Her heart raced, throat dry as she tried to assess the situation. He had called for her, but had he considered that she might not know what to do to help him? And how had he gotten so badly injured? She knew that the coyotes to the northeast were horrible, but wouldn't he have taken her with him if he had gone there? Many questions raced through her mind, and she tried to quiet them as she waited for a response from him. She nosed him beneath his chin, emerald eyes watching sharply for a reaction.


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