We lay and wait
Pendzez smiled at the young pup. A perfect day indeed. There wasn't going to be any literal hunting, only practice and nature simulation. He looked at the forested area in front of them. He saw it a good place for practice. "We'll being in there." He then started to walk into it, turning to indicate Rendall to follow him. He wondered into the forest.

Coming to an area that seemed big enough for them, he turned to her and said, "Now Rendall. It is vital to listen to everything a say. You never know when there will be in a situation that requires this for survival. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you the basics of hunting. Stalking, circling, cornering, the works. Understand? Please keep these in memory because I might test you later on in the day." It was knowing that the pup had to listen. If she doesn't, then she wouldn't survive out there in the wilderness on her own.

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