you only wanna come up

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

Excuse me? The only polite words ever to fall from the Lykoi's lips were followed by a gleeful, if just as insane, giggle. Well, I guess I'll tell all of the, brats, that you sent them here. I'm sure they'll love it here, exiled by a bitch who's unable to even leave. While he had once been less inclined to speak and more inclined to attack, he had learned a lot since then, and this was a far more satisfying way of doing it; he still gave the overhanging threat of being attacked, but at the same time, he enjoyed himself in the process rather than simply being filled with rage. His peculiar smile did not fade as she continued to speak, nor did his posture sitting cross-legged on the floor with his arms crossed over his breast shift.

That's not true, he responded simply, examining on of the nails on his fingers — still remotely canine-like, but differently designed — as if he was uninterested in the topic to which he was about to supply the solution. It's simple, really. I could either die of thirst or starvation, and let's face it, I'll get hungry long before thirst claims me. He didn't like speaking of, them, as a unit, and therefore, avoided such grouping. His acidic eyes remained fixed on her as he boldly spoke out what his thoughts permitted.

All I need to do is come in there, one way or another, kill you, and I'll be alive and you'll be dead. I'll eat whatever I feel like of you, and then leave this place. One ear tilted inquisitively forward, awaiting a reaction to his gruesome plan.


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