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Lannen nodded in understanding. The guy seemed nervous, not exactly on edge, but he still seemed uncomfortable. He didn't want to add to his discomfort, but he didn't want to back off right now. If the guy was curious enough to take a look around all this old junk, he could handle making a new acquaintance. Lannen guessed rather than knew that the brown and black man had actively sought out the city instead of just stumbling upon it. In his mind, that gave them a common purpose.

"I get that," Lannen said, nodding and tilting his head as he looked at some of the piles of human junk lying around, collecting dust. He had never really stopped to ponder humans before. They were part of a different era, long dead and gone. "Humans must've been pretty nuts," Lannen concluded, his brown eyes returning to the male before him.

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