if you fight yourself hard enough you'll never win

Kansas was always amazed by how easily wrongs could be righted with children. Amata had been deeply upset by her hurt nose, and a simple kiss had healed it as well as a bandage might. He was almost envious of her. He wished his pain could be mended by something as easy as a kiss. Her happily wagging tail thumped gently against his chest before she turned to wipe her eyes on his fur. He swept his thumb softly along the corner of first one eye, then the other, wiping away the bit of remaining moisture there. "You're welcome," he said with a warm smile.

The pain had subsided enough for her interest to return to the book, but she looked at the worn pages with caution. He was pleasantly surprised by her desire to be careful. Kansas sometimes worried that his pups grew bored of his frequent reading to them. But, at least for now, his pale daughter seemed interested. He half-hoped it would make her tired enough to want to go back to bed so she wouldn't lose too much sleep. But, of course, he was also delighted to have this time with her. He could have stayed awake for the rest of the night reading to her. Kansas turned and laughed into his shoulder at her pronunciation of "yearling," then cleared his throat and answered her swiftly. "A yearling is... a young deer. One that's a year old. This story's about a human boy who finds a yearling and takes care of it." He paused, waiting for her surely-imminent questions.


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