what will be, will be

Poor sad Cercelee, she doesn’t know Laruku is dead. Nor does she know about Iskata. XD So maybe Jefferson wants to tell her?

To know only your past through the words of others, it was a terrible curse. Cercelee could recall nearly every day of her life, barring the first few months when her brain was too undeveloped to form permanent memories. Tuki and Lisi and Lyla were all clear images in her head she could recall at any time, and the hours they had spent together as a family. Adrastos too she could remember, even if she didn’t want to. The whole journey, from then to the very moment she stood before Jefferson, was imprinted. It was all of what made her, what had shaped her. Did Jefferson truly have no idea of what had molded him to be how he was? Of where he had come from? Of who he had come from?

“Colibri was very kind. She gave me a home when I had none, and for that I guess I will always be grateful.” Colibri had given her Dahlia de Mai, and though Cercelee hadn’t ask for it at the time, she realize was a gift it was now. Perhaps that had not been Colibri’s intention, but it was time to forgive the woman’s abandonment. “Mew lives here too. Your sister.” Though surely Haku had told Jefferson that much, still Cercelee imagined that if Tuki or Lisi were alive today she would want someone to tell her. Even tell her twice. Still it felt strange, to converse with Jefferson so. His ties came from the past, it was ancient history to Cercelee and one she wasn’t very well versed in. One she didn’t care to be.

His origins were from a world when the white goddess ruled over the sad, cursed pack over the mountains. The place that so many others seemed to have come from and ritually visit from time to time in their minds. Cercelee had no ties from that time, except Laruku. Except when the ghosts of that time reminded her she lived in another wolf's body. A queen she couldn't possibly measure up to. “Laruku… do you know him? He knew Colibri and your father probably. I haven’t seen him in a while, he might still be around though.” She hoped he was, because from time to time she thought about him, wished him well, or even imagined what kind of advice he might have given her if he still cared.


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