I Know To Tell
Marking it mature soon? 500+

His gaze continued to hold her in its grip and the more his eyes bore into her the more aware of her self she became. Brooklyn had never been one to simply accept her flaws or weaknesses, she had struggled to overcome them. As yet at a tender age, when others still chose to run around and be children, her own desires were quite different; she herself was quite different. It had been something she had never questioned, the lack of a father and growing up in a pack governed entirely by women, but now, with Salem and Haven missing, with her own quest for her orange brother failing more each day, with the disintegration of her family, Brooklyn questioned her own existence more each day. She was strange and she could never truly be normal, like the other wolves. This demon had come to light the way to Night and Darkness, to the things which she had never thought could exist. He had come to tear her away from the cosy safe life she had led so far and teach her the ways of the true world.

The voice which spoke to her was not too high, not childish like her brothers', nor too low, wise and deep like Dawali's. It was a normal voice, deeper than her mothers' voices, but pleasant to listen to. Although the words he spoke made her shiver and want to turn back, the white female remained stoically where she stood, not budging an inch. "You have come to teach me, then. You are my damnation and my salvation, the one to open the gates." She spoke things she had been taught months before, archaic forms of invocation, a spoken contract which would bind her to the demon. "I am the Light and the Day and you are the one who will guide me to my destiny."

His next words sent a spike of fear straight to her heart. Whelp? No, no, he was here to lay claim on her and show her the way. She quavered in the wake of this decision, feeling her soul shy away from his eyes, almost resigned to the fact that he could overpower and kill her immediately. But she was a D'Angelo, she was of the angels (this, too, she had heard somewhere) and she would be brave and strong, she would say the right thing. Swallowing her fear, she took the few remaining steps until she stood before the demon and placed one hand upon his arm. Her blue eyes, normally so full of joy and childish delight, were now darkened by the terrible decision she was making. "But is it not what you have come to claim, the innocence of whelps? I am far more than this shape shows me to be." Brooklyn D'Angelo stood up straight, pulling back her shoulders and throwing back her hair. The words she spoke sealed her fate with a grave finality. "You are Knowledge made wolf and I will learn all I can from you."


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