we think we live forever

The other man’s eyes were beautiful. This thought somewhat startled Haku, as he rarely found beauty in anything any longer. A lot had been taken from him, the casualties and some of the simple yet precious pleasures of life. These orbs reminded him of fire. Suddenly he felt a stab of hunger, and his jaws parted slightly as if the large secui had something more on his heart. Yet, there came no words. Perhaps the Dahlian was entirely wrong. The young boy’s coat was white. Once upon a time such a thing could have been more uncommon to spot, but the blooming community had allowed unique fur colours. White, black or some other off colour did not degrade the wolf anymore. Almost a shame, because Haku would have been a wonderful tormenter of such scapegoats if the times had been different and less judgemental on an individual’s psyche and humanlike behaviour. It was foolish, all of it.

The hybrid’s name rang no bells. The secui had not expected it to anyways. ”Haku,” the brown male replied with his emotionless voice. ”Why do you smell of Inferni when it is obvious that you are mostly wolf.” the mentioning of mixed heritage was a guess. The teenager looked all wolf, and Haku would automatically have treated him as such if it had not been for the clan’s trademark. The cocoa man did not understand himself much more than he understood others. Usually he did not give a damn about other creatures unless there was an importance somewhere, and there was nothing interesting about this male. Yet, curiosity had made its appearance the moment the Dahlian man had detected his scent. It had to mean something.


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