Tainted Innocence
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

The stranger's polite manner calmed Ruri's nerves slightly, leading the delicate female to relax her posture from its rigid state. When he explained his reason for entering Cour des Miracles' territory, she gave an embarrassed smile. She wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the borders, and the fact that he had crossed over because of her presence there made her upset at herself. However, this male was proving to be rather gentlemanly or so she had gathered from her analysis of his tone of voice and his choice of words. That made her feel a bit better about her disobedience to Jacquez's rules. "You didn't do anything wrong. If it's your job to investigate things, then you were simply performing your duty. We are, indeed, a new pack and I'll do what I can to answer any questions you may have for me. Oh, and if you want, you can call me Ruri, instead of miss. It's up to you, though," she replied, smiling warmly in the direction of the male. To her, it seemed perfectly logical that a scout from a neighboring pack would come to investigate. It didn't even occur to her that the pack he had named as his own was the pack of the male who had brutally attacked Svara. In fact, she knew very little about what had happened to Svara, only that the male was from her former pack and that he was one of the leaders. The rest of the details had likely been discussed when she was not around. The ivory and merle female gently reclined to her haunches, finding that position to be more comfortable for conversation than standing, at least in her lupus form. In her optime form she would have probably just leaned against a nearby tree for support while she carried on the conversation. However, that didn't matter now, as the naive, innocent Duchess of Cour des Miracles sat and waited patiently for the visiting male to ask his questions, blissfully unaware that Svara's attacker was right in front of her.


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