you only wanna come up

He spoke as if logically, and yet there was a faint lack of logic to his sentences that just unnerved her even more as she listened. Though the thought did frighten her - she had an imagination, after all - she was certain there was no way he could enter through the solid, jammed door, and so she was able to keep the fear at bay. Though she trembled as she spoke, there was a confident lift to her voice. "That's not going to happen, because you can't possibly get in." She hit the door again with a palm, as if to demonstrate its strength - although part of her was hoping he would manage to break through the door so she could somehow get past him as he advanced and run, which was a plan that would not work if he noticed her trying the handle and was ready. There was a chance she could just walk away untouched, but she suspected his insanity made it a slim one.

She would never relax in his presence, but her expression was more thoughtful than horrified now. Like a stalked prey animal, her senses were heightened, her train of thought swift and exacting. "So why don't you just give up? Surely I'm not worth your time." Softly spoken, not wheedling, but suggestive. "Or maybe you're enjoying having me around?" She had an idea this would rile him.


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