the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing

Occ: --

Catherine smiled sheepishly while he answered her warning, but it turned to a giggly smile when he broke that heavy silent between them, although their surroundings weren't so quite. Only that she half noticed that the sunshine was running off, beginning its journey for hidding beyond the horizon. Thanks. I never knew I could be so helpful for someone.

The grayish woman had to muse a bit before continuing. She knew that there was something else... Suddenly, Bluma that was behind the tree she climbed on, whined loudly, scaring the wolfess. She jumped where she was, looking backwards, the fur in her shoulders rising slightly. Oh, that was it. You know that we have horses, right? she asked, pointing with the thumb to the mare. She whistled to her, clicking her fingers, until the horse came to her in a lazy trotte. This is Bluma, my mare. Say "hello" to Hemming, Blummy, she introduced horse to wolf, looking at the beast while her last phrase. The horse made a quick reverence, rising and lowing the head to the male. The femme laughed once with the movemment that the horse made. It was rather funny.


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