I know I won't be leaving here...

Occ: --

Catherine was feeling the sleepness take over her mind and body as she kept lyed in the ground. She would have fell asleep if a rather familiar voice hadn't called out for her. After all, there was no other woman -actually, there was nobody else- for him to talk to. She opened the good eye to search for the source of the male voice.

The alcohol made her already bad vision blurred and doubled. The sunset made everything around reddish and orangeish, and she barely could manage to identify the trees, the ground and the sky from each other. She blinked twice, and it was easier to find the one she wanted to see. The husky male that should be black and white, was now white and orange. A smile crossed her face. His patterns, his voice, his way of talking... everything pointed for the stranger's identity.

Le-Leland! I've found you! Finally..., she said, trying clumsily to get on her trembling feet again. She held in a low branch, until she was -almost- stable. The woman held tha arms open while ran towards the presumed lover. She tripped, and fell into his arms, remembering of their first meeting. She held him tight, not thinking about her strenght. Jeez, I was so worried about you! Where have you been, sweetie?! she asked, the voice sounding weird. She barely knew that the one she hugged wasn't the one she wanted him to be.


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