Underneath the skin
Short post is short D:

She said no, and the little child decided to believe her for now. After all, she had not become angry when he had asked her. The brown boy knew that if he had asked his father the same question, then he would have received a completely different answer, and not a pleasant one. No, his father was very bad, and this adult was not. Perhaps her eyes were just that way. Actually, they were very pretty. Conor too wanted eyes like that, but he knew that things did not work that way, unless he changed eyes or something maybe, but that was not possible he believed. He slowly nodded at the large and white woman, almost offering her a smile if he had not been so serious and uncertain in her presence.

Her next words made him uncomfortable as they sunk in and touched his heart. The woman loved him? Why? ”Why?” his voice echoed along with his mental disbelief. Why would anyone love a mean and useless child that scared its mother away? The white woman did not even know the child very well, so the possibility that she actually cared about him was not very likely, and he had never thought of such a chance before.


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