A signal of trust
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... rtable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Feel free to PP them arriving there and going inside and whatnot :o

The only benifit that she could see to this form was the fact that she had been able to get to him faster. It was a good thing that she had chosen to shift the night before and not this morning and that she had gotten a good rest; she nodded when he mentioned herbs, closing her eyes and concentrating on the change. She didn't want to waste precious minutes shifting, but she didn't know any other way to get him home. "They're in your den? These herbs?" She asked. Ember was no herbalist. The only experience that she'd ever had with medicine was when she had been fixed up herself, by Naniko. Her sister had an aptitude for that kind of stuff, and Ember had offered her a body full of various types of wounds.

"Water? Are ya thirsty?" The Ayastigi asked as well, finishing the shift to Optime. She felt odd to not be clothed, but it wasn't something to worry about now. "I'll take ya there. Now you lay still and let me. You're just gonna hurt yourself worse if you don't." She leaned down, being mindful of his injuries, and began to lift him. The best way to carry him became evident after a few moments, and the werewolf moved him carefully so that she was holding him partially over one of her shoulders. She didn't want to touch the wound on his back or press it against anything on accident.

She started walking quickly, not wanting to run and shake him up. Whoever had done this to their leader...they would pay for it if they hadn't already.


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