but i still wonder

It was not comfort that came from the status quo. It was a quiet reassurance that nothing worse was happening for the while. It was something he expected to happen eventually because that was just how things went and maybe if he expected it for once, then it wouldn't be so bad. Of course, such thinking lent itself to paranoia, but the hybrid had picked up a haphazard sort of apathy instead. It wasn't consistent either and drifted like the fog -- currently, it was thick and heavy and he walked through it like a ghost, a raised corpse in the night. He still believed himself to be one in some way; his throat had been slashed, hadn't it?

Maybe he had caught the scent straight on, or maybe it was simply a coincidence. By the time he got there though, he didn't remember anymore (if he had ever known) and the white space between them melted away to a thin grey. There was no expression on his face and that didn't change when he stopped walking. You don't belong here, he said evenly, red eyes staring down at the child. It was the only one left that he didn't clearly remember having spoken to before and the one that had turned out the worst according to Faolin. So Laruku doubted that he would be hurt like Rachias or quiet and sad like Arkham; he knew what he expected, but whether it would play out like that was yet to be seen.


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