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Watching the women stand a breeze brought her scent full force. It almost left Mahlouk coughing. She reeked of booze and smelled worse then he and Jazper had the first night they had met. Holding Boo harder in his jaw he kept his blue eyes on the she wolf to make sure she didn't do anything stupid in her drunken stupor. Her vulgar language made the Hybrid look away not feel comfortable with her harsh words. He didn't speak, it was better to say nothing at the moment.

He noticed when she looked to boo. The bear hanging in his mouth was being held like he would prey, wholy in his mouth. Again she spoke and his ears fell flat as he gently put boo at his paws. "You should sit down Mahlouk things you will fall, and Boo is His. Mahlouk will not give Boo to anyone. Boo belongs to him." The white scared male said in his deep monotone voice. Was she really so drunk that she couldn't tell Boo was a bear?


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