because I have been through hell
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Only days had passed since he had joined the Cour des Miracles, but already Vigilante found himself straying from the pack lands. The call of running water had drawn him to the river, but when he arrived, there was already a man standing in the center, a fish in his hands. There was clothing next to the river, so the malamute-mixed man could only assume that this one was someone who preferred to wear clothing. He also wore a cloth over his eyes, which he hadn't taken off to fish, apparently. It was a strange sight, but Vigilante thought clothes were constricting and unnecessary, so he thought all clothing seemed strange. The cloth was probably a part of this man's culture, and Vigilante just wasn't accustomed to it.

"And how are the fish today?" he called, his voice hushed so as to not carry too deeply into the water and scare away the fishing man's prey. He had never been much if a fisherman himself, but he had enjoyed a few fish in the past. Perhaps he could learn how to fish properly, now that he was trying to build himself a normal life. He knew how to hunt well enough, but living near water would mean that fishing would be a part of his new and normal life as well. If he could learn to fish well, he could even show off a little for his future mate; and he would hate a mate in the future. That was normal, and now, he was normal. It had become an obsession for him. Be normal. Be normal.


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