Dancing in the Night
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A light smile flickered across her woad bound maw. His dreaming must certainly be different from her own. If not what will come to pass, what did one dream of? The woman was not familiar with the normal dreams that others had, having had either no dreams or the Raven Dream even before her Long Nights. She wondered what it was like to dream that way.... "What is frightening about what will be," the quiet melody asked. She wondered whether he were afraid of the events or the lack of control over the events. Or she wondered whether it were because he did not understand the reason for the events. She herself suffered now from the inability to understand. That was why she could not see whose soul it was that crossed the river dividing the worlds of the living and the dead. But in the end, she knew that it did not matter. What would come to pass was an inevitability that she did not have the power to change. And the black wolf, an accepting creature, accepted that now as she always had.

"It is okay to be afraid of the Dreams," the alto melody replied gently, forgetting for that moment that there was another kind of dreaming that was dreamt within this world. "The power of the mind is greater even than the power of the body." It was a thing that she understood very well as a warrior. "What the mind creates is just as Real as this world." Slowly, the woman moved forward, closing the distance between them. It did not appear as if this creature would behave aggressively. The white orbs met the eyes that were similar to her own. There was colour in those eyes, however, and one that was like the song that came from his throat. Slowly, the woad marked she-wolf lowered herself upon the grass, laying alongside him with a comfortable distance separating them. While the female should have continued her searching, a short reprieve would be alright. She would find Corvus when the time was right.

Suddenly the male’s gaze turned away, averting in a strangely subservient and respectful manner. The woman did not often demand respect, and she did not demand it now. When speaking, it was disrespectful in both cultures to not meet the gaze of the one with whom the conversing commenced. Perhaps it was different in the lands from which he hailed. The woad bound tail moved through the grass momentarily as it covered her hind legs. Briefly, her eyes crossed over the scars that marred the white fur, and she saw distinct figures within them. It was like story made more clearly manifest than the scars of warriors. It was a curious custom, and one that she was only vaguely familiar with. "You do not have to look away from me," the soft alto offered gently, her head going out slightly as if her muzzle sought to lift his. But the distance was too great for that, and so it sufficed as a simple, encouraging gesture.


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