The ugly duckling


The world seemed safe and right again, and the girl relaxed comfortably, watching the small creature. She felt special because she was allowed to be so close to it without sending it feeing into the pond and out of reach. She did not understand why animals usually ran from her if she came up too close. It was not as if she ever wanted to hurt them. She only wanted to get a better look at them and feel their fur or feathers or whatever they had. She was curious, and loved the life she saw all around her, especially in this season, when everything seemed to possess magic. No, the blonde child had yet to get used to the brilliant world she lived in. She could spend hours watching the wildlife, and it was a shame that she had to do it from afar. She absolutely adored the colourful birds that inhabited the trees, but she had never managed to get very close to one, as they seemed especially shy most of the time. It was a shame. If they only could knew how much happy they would have made her if they sat down and sang for her up close. From distance was beautiful too though.

The woman’s gentle question about wanting to be a mommy brought the girl out from her absent daydream. It was odd, sometimes she lost herself completely within seconds. There was so many different pretty things to think about, and it was difficult to reel herself in once that happened. Golden eyes studied the woman’s face, the pretty and PINK markings. It was so pretty. She almost started to drift away again. ”Of course, my mommy is the best mommy in the world and I want to be one just like her and have cute babies that are very pretty and soft and that I can take care of and love a lot.” the girl said, her tail picking up its speed at that exciting thought. Yes, Tayui was the best mother in the world, and the little girl wondered when babies would start to grow in her own belly. She got a sudden rush to ask the older woman. Older members were smart, and perhaps she would know when Noir would become a mommy. Was this unnamed woman a mommy too?

The girl wrinkled her nose at the Aniwaya adult’s theory. What? But Noir was no duck, so that could not be. Together with the question if she would be able to handle it, Noir felt very confused, and her expression made her confusion obvious. She was a wolf and a duck was not a wolf, so she could not be its mommy. ”That is silly, I am not a duck!.” the girl suddenly giggled, wondering if the woman had been joking with her. Although, it would have been cute to have a baby duckling baby walk all around. There were stars in the girl’s eyes, and suddenly she hoped what the adult had suggested was true. ”But.. I don’t even have milk in my belly to feed it.” she said with sadness. She wouldn’t want the baby to die of hunger either.


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