Seeing things differently

The thread with Haku hasn't gone far enough for Ruri to give too many details regarding what Haku asked her. I hope the few details I've given are good enough so far

The blind girl smiled when the scent of the constable reached her sensitive nose, followed by the sound of Svara's footsteps drawing closer until she sat down beside her. However, at the first words out of Svara's mouth, Ruri's smile faded and her ears flattened against her head. Oh how she had hoped no one would notice. She had tried her hardest to rub up against every tree and fragrant smelling bush she could find on her way back to the cabin, but still Svara had found out. "Svara...please don't be mad at me...I didn't mean to break any rules if I did," her soprano voice carried a submissive, almost pleading tone with the constable of the kingdom. "I met Haku Soul...close to the borders. I know I shouldn't have been that far away from the house, but I was bored. All of you guys were busy doing things and I figured I would only be gone for a little while. I was following the sound of a bird, that I thought sounded really wonderful. The only problem was, I followed it too far. I had walked outside of the area I'm familar with. Haku found me at the borders and stopped to me to ask some questions..." she paused to catch her breath as her voice was now quivering with almost every word. She knew Svara was going to be upset with her, and the sensitive girl was already working herself into an emotional breakdown. The fragile optime border collie felt absolutely ashamed for speaking with Svara's attacker, but it hadn't felt right to outright refuse someone who had been so polite to her.

"He was very polite, and nice to me, so I thought it couldn't hurt if I answered a few of his questions...I-I'm sorry Svara, I didn't mean to do anything wrong," she replied, a few tears trickled down her ivory hued muzzle and dripped off onto her lap. Her long, silky man blew in the breeze as she turned away from the female, leaning against the nearest support beam for the porch. All she could do now was await the stern, possibly angered lecture that Svara would probably give her. She knew she deserved it, but the prospect still upset her.



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