face the face we've mauled


          Princess’s story was certainly engaging, as Catalyst temporarily forgot about the misery that was her focus for nearly a couple of days now (well, it wasn’t entirely gone, but at least Princess’s story gave her something else to think about in the meanwhile, which was refreshing in itself). Catalyst thought of Princess and her brother very fortunate to have escaped when they did, for a second trying to put herself in Princess’s place at knowing the fact that her own mother was a murderer of her siblings. Catalyst simply wouldn’t know how to react or what to think about that if that happened to her. Catalyst had witnessed her mother, Anyanka, attempt to gouge out one of Catharsis’s eyes, but it didn’t seem as grueling as what happened to Princess’s deceased siblings. Inclining her head to the side in though, now that Princess’s mother was back, wasn’t she afraid that her mother might do the same to her now that they’re reunited. The ivory girl had nodded, understanding what Princess told her, but it bode her to ask that question that rose in her mind. ”Aren’t you’s… scared tha’ your mommy might try an’ hurt you’s this time?” It was an inquiry worth considering; however, Catalyst didn’t know the relationship between Princess’s mother and Princess, so maybe it wasn’t as so bad as it was previously with her siblings that were murdered. Still, putting herself in Princess’s place once again, Catalyst didn’t think she’d able to trust any relative if any of her siblings were picked off. Family blood and bonds were a big deal to Catalyst, and even in the smallest incident (taking Avarice almost eaten by the puppy eater), anything related to family was serious business to the dual eyed girl.
          Apparently Princess was afraid of her mother, and Catalyst simply wouldn’t blame her for what was told. To be living in fear out of a family member, even someone who was a guardian, that didn’t seem like the good life for any puppy. For a moment Catalyst actually felt a little bad for Princess, considering those very conditions she had to live with. Then again, it also taught Catalyst an important lesson in itself: basically everyone had some sort of problems, that there were considerably worse things that happened out there every day. Catalyst thought her mother’s abandonment was bad, but a mother who killed her own puppies? Yeah, that was pretty intense in itself. Catalyst had not had the opportunity to meet Princess’s mother (and would in a week’s time), but Catalyst would be sure to keep her guard up. It was all in her head to not fear anyone, whether it was pup or adult, but it was indeed correct that Princess’s mom did sound scary, and would have to remember that.
          At the mention of getting beat up at her brother’s name, Catalyst scoffed. Beat the guardian’s puppy up? Like said, Princess could easily do what she wanted with Catalyst due to her age and size, but granted that Catalyst could certainly put up a fight to the bitter end, but at the moment it simply wasn’t about fighting or anything of the such. Catalyst was too enthralled in Princess’s story to even care, and when she said his name was Buttface, it was too hard for Catalyst to keep a very wide grin forming on her tiny muzzle, a grin that had not showed on her china doll façade since the murder of Ril’o. Come on, how can a puppy not think of that as a funny, weird name?! But Catalyst tried to stifle a giggle, and also incline her head once again. Yeah, that was the weirdest name Catalyst heard for a puppy, but also unfortunate for Buttface’s situation. Poor Buttface. ”Tha’s… really weird an’ funny. So you’s think your brother is ‘round here in Dahlia now t’ follow you’s?” It would be too hard of a thing to not remember a name such as Buttface, but Catalyst had not seen any other pups around other than her own siblings and Conor.


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