like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin
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OOC: 400+

The way he spoke her name was so different from how she remembered it. He was maturing, perhaps he was even now older and wiser than she could ever hope to be. She looked from him to the horse. It was a beautiful creature and the way her brother handled him just showed how mature he'd become. There was a connection between them, frail and still breakable, but from what the girl could see, there was no reason they would really drift apart. Whatever had happened to Haven, it had changed him. It was then that his words reached her ears and like a punch to the stomach, reality hit her. Their father? She had never met him and he had never appeared in Crimson Dreams, not that she could recall anyway. How had Haven found him? Our father. The words were spoken softly, almost as if she didn't believe he existed. In her short life, there had only been Naniko and Anu, her mothers. Who is he? What exactly did he do? Momma never mentioned him, not to me, anyway.

She looked away when the image of her brother, alone and drunk in some dank Halifax street, entered her mind. How could she have been so foolish? She should have looked for him earlier, should have rallied the pack... but if Haven didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be. Brooklyn looked at her brother and it seemed she was really seeing him now for the first time; they were no longer children, they couldn't just hide away in their caves and pretend to be something and somewhere else entirely. That didn't work any more. I thought you would say that. I guess... I guess I kind of trespassed, huh? There it was, the awful, awful truth of it: she hadn't expected him to come back. But she was glad to have found him, alive and healthy.

Brooklyn would miss him. She would go back home empty-handed, alone and afraid. But to see him now and to hear him say that he was a knight, as they'd once dreamed... that was almost worth the pain in her heart. It was almost worth the choking feeling in her throat, the way the whole world seemed to implode, silently, allowing her no reprise. I am happy for you, Haven. Truly I am. With that, she firmly embraced him, burying her face against his jacket. She breathed his scent in, innocent and yet not quite. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she bit them back. Does Momma know you're here?


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