Seeing things differently

Svara's words stung and Ruri couldn't help but cry even harder. Svara's expression of how hurt Ruri had made her only continued to upset her. "I...I didn't really have a choice," she sobbed, hoping Svara would believe her explanation,"I couldn't run away, and what would have happened if I had screamed for help?! I was stuck Svara! I mean...I know I shouldn't have been out that far in the first place, but I didn't want to hurt you...or anyone for that matter," her tone of voice was uncharacteristically angry at the female for insinuating that she had consciously thought of hurting one of the leaders she respected and loved like a member of her family.

Her tears continued to fall and her sobs, though less frequent still shook her delicate frame. When the gruff woman ordered her to tell Jac what she had done, she nodded through her sobs. "Y-You're right--sniff--I'll tell him,"she stammered, slowly pulling her knees up close to her chest, wrapping her arms around them in her traditional position of distress. She dared not disobey the constable's order. She'd already committed a heinous deed that she would likely not forget for quite awhile. The distraught girl dreaded what would happen when the rest of the pack found out, as they surely would. The slender girl shook with the fear that she'd be shunned or at least ignored by the rest of her new family. She'd be left alone, just like she had been by her mother, although this time it was her own fault.

Of course this was just a figment of Ruri's imagination, but the fear of abandonment for her disobedience seemed all too real to the sobbing girl. This whole situation was horrible and she just wanted it to go away, even though she knew it had only just begun to show its face.


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