A dog's life
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Asariel stopped chewing and staring at the male for a minute. She was caught off guard by his question. She frowned thoughtfully then. Why was she here? It was a free world, and nobody could make her stay in the pack if she chose to get up and run away. Asariel had to admit that she had thought about leaving the pack once or twice, and she reasoned that if any hardship struck she most likely would abandon ship as well. She frowned at Lysander for a moment before answering him. "Well...I don't know why I still stay, actually. Maybe the thrill of meeting one such as yourself," she said with a charming smile, her eyes warm and inviting.

Who did she thinks she was, attempting to flirt with Lysander? She wasn't some amazing temptress or even really good at flirting. Mostly because she'd had no one to practice on. Oh well, he was just probably one of those jackasses who had the whole wham bam thank you ma'am thing goin' on. She sighed softly -- good men had always been hard to come by. Asariel had vowed to herself that in the event she found someone, she wouldn't try to change him for the better. She would take him as is.


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