there's nothing stranger than a stranger.
[html]haha, it's fine. :] and omg, you have no idea. >__<; worst is campaigns, because it's like a political election between a dissident shareholder or what-have-you, and the corporation itself. and you have to call people and sway them to vote either way and actually -know- what you're talking about and have a real conversation with them. and i-don't-care. xD;; and lol i work literally right next to medieval times in the meadowlands corporate center, and yet i've never been in my life. haha. lame.[/html]

        She seemed to be thrown off by reaction to being woken up so suddenly, even muttering an apology as though expecting him to be angry, rather than apathetic. But Jael wasn't--honestly, he could care less. He even threw on a smile for good measure, stretching and yawning to fully wake himself up to better regard this strange female. She introduced herself and interest was immediately piqued, now watching her with full interest. Fangs flashed faintly as the smile became a little more honest, pushing himself into a sitting position.
        "I've heard of you," he said, tilting his head as was a common habit of his while he took in her scarred, monochrome visage. "You're my grand-mother," the pale boy continued, suddenly realizing what he'd revealed and wondering if he'd made a mistake. His father was a traitor to his own blood and clan, and Kaena undoubtedly would not be impressed with such information once she realized who exactly his sire was. He swallowed hard, looking away for a moment before allowing his vision to again meet the she-wolf. Jael was ashamed of his parentage and it showed.

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