you only wanna come up

as they thank the lord

the blind can't see

Well, came his quick retort, so be it. If he couldn't get in, and she couldn't get in, then it would survival of the fittest. He was willing to sit there for all of eternity, just for the treat of the smell of her fear, though it was wavering, and his own taut patience. It would wear thin with her chatter eventually, but for now, he held it firmly on on hand, marveling still at the way it could grip.

He laughed aloud at her suggestions, the amused glint in his eyes intensifying slightly. You're not worth my time, bitch, he confirmed, but then, neither are those other fuckers anywhere else. His expression may have softened slightly at that, though likely it only heightened the strong lines of merciless drawn into him. As for enjoying your company, well, let's just say you're worse than that other guy in the other room. The dead one, that stank.

Even though wolves taste like dog shit, he went on, you're likely more appetizing than him.


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