i will battle for the sun.
mall-caps;">Out of Character
   We should turn this thread into a thing for this game thing because Kae could be all "I haz stories" for the Immunes thing (she'd be the best veritas ever XD) and Halo could learn Inferni history. It would be epic?! :o

mall-caps;">In Character
    The hybrid knew all about being the lone girl—though she was born with three sisters and no brothers, she was the only one left after a few months, and the only half-brother she'd ever known was a vile bastard. Of all her children, she'd only born seven girls, three of whom still existed in some form. Rikka might still be alive, but she'd wandered far and away and hadn't returned again, and Kaena made no assumptions. Corona was alive, but she had been raised in Chimera for much of her childhood, and Kaena had never been extremely close with the golden hybrid. She didn't know where Rachias was—her coyote daughter could be anywhere by now. There was of course, Maeryn... but Maeryn was long dead, rotted to dust just outside of the old territory. Ahemait was her princess, her closest, lovely daughter—but now even she was elsewhere, drawn away by her own family and her own children, cousins of the coyote before her.

    The youth touched her own chaos star, seared brightly over her own chest. Pride swelled in Kaena's heart, and she recalled reading and listening those old books with their wonderful smell. It was slightly musty and definitely ancient, but it was not unpleasant, and cracking open those frail antiques and devouring the knowledge within them was wonderful. Kaena came to enjoy that smell, spending nights by candles in the Citta Umana, reading and dreaming what to name her demon's children. She had come across the symbol there, eight points extending outward from a ringed center, arrows depicting every conflicting direction. It was chaos, and her breed was chaos—the rose-eyed youth before her broke out into a lovely smile, spreading across her face warmly. Kaena watched it and matched it with a half-effort of her own, the right side of her face too scarred to truly hold expression. It more or less snarled, the teeth half-bared, but on the far side of her face, where the scar tissue was not so knotted and her eye still sat in its socket, there was a grin.

   For all her life, Kaena had struggled with her hybrid blood. She knew Andre was not a full-blooded coyote—he was only a quarter so, and the rest of him was pure wolf. He had told her so one evening in the twilight, walking with her while he explained the Lykoi way, and how he had been exiled for his defiance of policy: his affair with her mother. She was a hybrid and he was son of the Alpha pair, heir to the throne and betrothed to Sabryne Vicis, a full-blooded wolf. They had been trying to breed out the hybrid in their blood for two generations, and Andre would have been the one to almost completely bury the coyote in the Lykoi blood... only he'd accidentally bifurcated the Lykoi blood and created a mutt offshoot, one that would have appalled any of Kaena's living wolf relatives.

   "Good to meet you," she said through her smile. Kaena could be extremely austere at times, but reunions and familial first meetings were exceptions to these rules. The youth seemed overjoyed to see her, and Kaena was quite happy to have such a reaction—she immediately pressed forward and drew close to the youth, pressing her muzzle to the darker coyote's shoulder and inhaling her scent. She smelled clearly of Inferni and little else. Kaena didn't need to verbally express her joy at meeting a family member excited to see her; the inky tip of her tail wavered in the air and proclaimed it for her. The phrase was one she'd heard a lot lately, and each time it wasn't growing easier to hear. She shook her head from side to side, and tapped the freshest scar, the jagged one streaked across her belly. "Not quite." There was actual laughter from her, a sort of strange sound—almost as if it were somewhat rusty from underuse.


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