whose woods these are, i think i know - p addison


She shuffled forward on her tummy, going around one corner of the shelving. She felt like some kind of a secret agent, watching Geneva like she did. There was something about the gray wolf that Addi really liked. Plus the fact that Geneva was really good friends with her dad, that helped things. Addison usually liked all the people that Jefferson knew.

She blinked as something shiny caught her eye a few feet away, standing up to walk over to it. It was some kind of a bookmark...but it was made of a sparkly, shiny foil that reflected the small bits of light that had managed to infiltrate the library. She picked it up in her mouth, still being unable to shift, and continued on her search for the older female.

When the youngster found her friend her tail thumped along the floor for a few moments. She'd done it! She spat the bookmark out with a proclamation, ("blegh!") then replied. "Genny, I thinked that you seen me! I thinked that we was playin' a game. I followed you here all the way from Phoenix Valley! I guess I was sneaky though, huh!" She pawed at the bookmark. "And I found dis shiny fing on da floor too! Wazzit for?"


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