Two seas in a cod

The other canine had approached without much warning, though ever-vigilant, Skoll had been aware of his presence a short while before he came within speaking distance. Slight for a wolf, Skoll guessed that he wasn't full-blooded. Still, race had never been a hang up of his, so he wasn't bothered by this. At the hybrid's words, Skoll nodded, before turning his own amber eyes to meet the other's red ones.

"I've heard that belief before. One legend suggests that the sun will be destroyed, along with the moon, at the end of days. Another, that the sun is a god itself. Six years and a lot of traveling, you pick up that sort of thing." It was obvious that he wasn't a young wolf any longer, but he didn't feel that he had aged poorly. Good thing, too. He wanted to keep his fighting ability as long as possible. He wasn't sure what he would do when his body became too frail for battle. He tilted his head to look side-long at the sun. "In the meantime, it's a pretty sight for old eyes that have seen too much." Looking back to the other, he sat up, human pack still at his hip.

"So, stranger, I haven't seen you around, but you smell like Clouded Tears. The name is Skoll." The introduction, standard procedure. Though his name had been uncomfortably widespread in the last year, he didn't feel any need to hide it. He could take care of himself, and he had too much pride to lay low for the sake of not angering the powers that be, such as they were.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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